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Re: A new kind of Jewish Music: "Kabbalah Blues/Quantum Funk"

Hi Peter,

The CD arrived today. The music, so far (I just opened the package and started 
listening) is quite interesting. 

But, the Hebrew on the back of the CD--the text for "oseh shalom" (which occurs 
in places in the liturgy other than the kaddish, as well--it concludes the 
prayer after a meal, and the amidah, if memory serves) is very, very wrong.

The brief summary is that there are "final forms" to some letters, notably, in 
this setting, the "mem", which must appear in final form at the end of a 
word--not, as here, in the normal form. In addition, there is an out-and-out 
typo on the second word of the second line (which could have been separated 
from the preceding by a comma, but not by exagerrated space). The word should 
read "v'al". As spelled, you declare a non-word, "v'oh" (or, given the rules, 
it could also be pronounced "v'oo").

And finally, I should note that Hadassah, the typeface used, benefits greatly 
from a bit more spacing between the characters.

Although this isn't what one bases a review on, it is a strong statement as to 
the Jewish knowledge that may lie engrained in this CD--no one in the band 
knows enough Hebrew to notice when the typographer (or desktop publishing with 
the scarfed Hebrew font, or whatever in between) typed the wrong characters.

Anyway, this is probably something you would want to fix sooner, rather than 
later, if only by sticking a correct version of the prayer over the old.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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