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Odp: Odp: theremin trautomium correction

----- Wiadomosc oryginalna -----
Od: "Owen Davidson" <owend (at) tp(dot)net>
Do: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Wyslano: 8 listopada 2000 06:19
Temat: Re: Odp: theremin trautomium correction

| I stand corrected, but tell me about the trautomium.  I've never heard of

The Trautonium was developed by the electrical engineer Dr Freidrich Adolf
Trautwein (b Würzburg 1888, Germany; d Düsseldorf 1956) and first exhibited
in Germany in 1930. The domestic version of the Trautonium was manufactured
and marketed by Telefunken between 1932 and 1935. A number of composers
wrote works for the instrument including Paul Hindemith who learnt to play
the Trautonium and produced a 'Concertina for Trautonium and Orchestra' as
well as Höffer, Genzmer, Julius Weismann and most notably Oskar Sala who
became a virtuoso on the machine and eventually took over the development of
the Trautonium producing his own variations- the 'Mixtur-Trautonium', The
'Concert-Trautonium' and the 'Radio - Trautonium'

taken from

i strongly recommendd site

in-depth survey in e-instruments from 1870 /sic/ to 1990.
Lotta fun



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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