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Re: tribute to Dave Tarras by Dave Douglas

In a message dated 10/24/00 10:49:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net writes:

<< Interestingly, in the liner notes, Douglas writes of the piece, "It is
 dedicated to Yiddish-American clarinetist/composer Dave Tarras, who, on
 moving to America in 1921, pioneered an entirely new genre of music."
 Note the absence of the word "klezmer."
 Douglas is generally regarded as the leading innovator on his instrument,
 and perennially tops reader and critics polls in the mainstream jazz press.
About thirteen years ago, my friend Spencer Macleish, (a sometime Klezmatic) 
invited me to come down and check out the NYU Big Band, where he was hired 
along with a few as a "ringer" to help fill out the trumpet section.
One of he trumpet players played solos that were consistently challenging, 
dynamic, and totally original, not sounding at al like the typical Bebop 
derivatives one often hears. (Not that there's anything wrong with Bebop, 
mind you)
After the concert, Spencer introduced me to his friend Dave Douglas, the 
soloist, and told me, "he's not well known, but in a few years, everyone will 
be talking about him." 
No truer words were spoken. If you don't know his playing, check it out!

Jordan Hirsch  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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