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"Zing" (who published it?)

Dear Jewish Music List Khaverim:

    Sending out the following inquiry to the list with the hope that someone 
might be able to answer the question posed therein.  I received this email 
from a friend this morning and I thought someone might have a copy of the 
music and could mention the name of the publisher.  

    Here goes:
    "I'm trying to help a Rabbi find an old piece of Yiddish music.  The only
    information I have to go on is that it was based on a poem called ZING,     
which is Yiddish for SING.  The author was Abraham Raisin or Raisen.
    The Rabbi was given the sheet music over 25 years ago and recently lost     
it.  He has told me he has tried everywhere but does not know who the   
publisher was and has reached a dead end.   Any help you could provide  will 
be greatly appreciated."

Thanks alot for any advice on this.

Michael Spudic

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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