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Dutch Summer Klezmer and Yiddish Workshops 2001

Dear Friends, 

If you are interested in klezmer music and/or Yiddish song, dance and 
storytelling, please read the following.  We had a wonderful time last 
summer, in a very beautiful location.  This coming summer should prove to be 
bigger and even better, as we welcome to the faculty 
singer/dancer/storyteller Shura Lipovsky, and violinist Monique Lansdorp. 


Tulip Art Connection with Dutch Summer Klezmer Music Festival

19 -22 July - 2001

Name:  Dutch Summer Music Festival

Workshop:  "MAZLTOV!"

Klezmer music- songs- dances

Location:   Castle Oud-Poelgeest, between Amsterdam and The Hague in The


Dates:  19 -22 July

music types: Klezmer music for singers and instrumentalists:choir, small and

larger  mixed ensembles,

participants:  singers, and all instruments, but no piano available 
(participants are welcome to bring their own electronic pianos and 

max 60, divided in 4 groupes of 15 people

ability levels:  all levels

age limits: adults

faculty : Monique Lansdorp, Shura Lipovsky, Deborah Strauss, Jeff Warschauer.

music program: choice of daily sessions:

- singing,

- instrumental ensembles,

- dancing

- special Klezmer strings, mandolin and guitar  techniques

- techniques for learning by ear

- repertoire studies

facilities:  accommodations are in a fully modernized 17th-century estate

in the woodlands, 10 minutes from beaches, Leiden, Amsterdam and the Hague.

Approx cost:  fl. 525 ( is ca.250 euro)

Cost includes: lodging (double room), meals, tuition

Languages spoken:Yiddish, English, German, Dutch, French

Sponsor: Tulip Art Connection

Contact: Olga van der Hoeden

Address :P.O.Box 9649

 1006 GC Amsterdam

phone/fax :+31 20 6103483

e-mail : info (at) tulipart(dot)nl


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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