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Re: New Frank London CD on Hazonos

r l reid wrote:
>Ever taken a wet finger and run it around the rim of a good wine
>glass?  It makes a wonderful eiree tone.  
>Take a whole bunch of them with differing amounts of liquid in them
>so they are tuned to duifferent useful notes in the mode you
>are playing, and you've got an instrument.
>I'm assuming this is what FL is using - it wouldn't surprise me.
>It could be very nice in a niggun.

Coincidentally, just yesterday I saw Frank London on TV with trumpet and
glass harmonica. I watched an hour long show (paid advertisment? by JTS?)
on ABC about Jewish music in religious contexts. It was all vocal except
when they showed FL whose album is based on classic cantorial works (not on
niggunim - minor point).

Frank played trumpet, while another person played the glass harmonica,
which was exactly as you described it. The glass harmonica provided a
background drone effect.

I got to thinking that probably there are exact places to put each glass,
and little marks on the glasses to indicate how high to fill them, else
tuning would take forever, and playing would be pretty tough.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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