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Re: New Frank London CD on Hazonos

In a message dated 10/22/00 3:06:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com writes:

<< I have a new CD coming out in late November. It's called INVOCATIONS, it's
 >on Tzadik, and it's all hazonos. Settings of classic cantorial works -
 >Rosenblatt, Sirota, Chagy, Kapov Kagan, etc - with my trumpet as the
 >cantor. Recorded live at the Community Synagogue on East 6th Street, with
 >harmonium, some bass, and some glass harmonica! I'm on a new path (it's the
 >total inverse of Di Shikere Kapelye). In addition, I'll be giving the
 >premiere concert at New York's Merkin Hall on Dec. 19, right before
 >Hanukah. Anthony Coleman and Ken filiano (from the CD) will be joining me.
 Sounds like Dec. 19 is a time to be in NYC if you can.... >>

Its alaso my birthday. What a nice present from Frank.

Jordan Hirsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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