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Re: Jankowski Tsimbl / Alcock Sticks

Kame'a Media wrote:
> ro (at) panix(dot)com wrote:
> > They circumcised this Belorussian instrument, and dunked it in the mikvah.
> Wow!  An hermaphroditic  =tsimbl= .

Actually, my implication is that this formerly goyishe tsimbl is
now a ger tsaddik - another circumstance that calls for the mikveh.

But your good wishes are appreciated.  I beleive a tsimbl is
a complex gender unto itself, deeper than that we dare not delve.

Besides - immersing every 4 weeks or so would really play havoc
with the wood....

r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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