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Re: Deciphering the music of the Levites: Mira Zakai CD

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 06:28:26 +1100, you wrote:

>What happens if you ask for Mira Zakai at your local cd store?
>In Australia, there is at least one system for finding recordings by ringing
>/ walking into your local store and asking for the name of the artist and
>the cd title. Even if the store doesn't stock the cd it will have a contact
>listed for the distributor or independent artist, if they have listed with
>the system.
>Is there something similar in USA or Europe?  cheers Ernie


- Koby the Interactive Bear
Rare Cartoon Network MP3s

"Does doubling on the violin count? They are fairly easy to blow but the sound 
is crap!" - Martin G.,

aol instant messenger: sgkoby

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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