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Re: rumpel?

Helen Winkler wrote:

> I found this reference on the Keidan, Lithuania  web page (the whole page is
> interesting) about weddings in that area before the war.  Does anyone know
> what a rumpel is?  Do you think it would have been a slow hora or something
> else?
> Helen
> by Philip Greenblatt, 1940
> ?Sunday morning - A "rumpel." So what's a rumpel?

A 'grating' (noise) made by strumming (a musical instrument).


> My granny, may she rest in peace, explained it to me once in these words:
> "That's how you send the in-laws home: you make a rumpel."
> That's clear, like pea soup, right? Never mind. They make a rumpel. The
> musicians play, Benedict scratches on his bass, something half-sour,
> half-joyous -- it's a rumpel and that's all. ?
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