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seeking lyrics...ERETZ MEZAMERET

Shana Tova to you all,

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me find the lyrics to an 
Israeli Children's song from the 80's (I think).

The chorus starts with the words: "Eretz mezameret shar la lanu shir...".
The song would be called: "Eretz Mezameret".

Once I have the full song I would be happy to share it with all of you as I 
remember it was one of the most catchy tunes and fantastic for  primary 
school children. I know the tune  for the entire song so I am just waiting 
for the lyrics.

Thanks in advance,

Cantor Ivor Joffe
Head Jewish Music, Leibler Yavneh College
Melbourne, Australia
ivorjoffe (at) hotmail(dot)com
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