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Looking for singer

I am looking for a singer in Israel who wants to sing the  Petersburg songs
in Yiddish for chamber ensemble.  These songs were written or arranged at
the turn of the century by the composers of the St. Petersburg society for
Jewish Music in Russia.  Most are for voice, violin and piano, though there
are others for piano trio, viola, and other combos.

The vocal parts are usually for "medium voice" which means mezzo soprano,
and are not difficult.  You must be a good reader (of music), with strong
classical background (the composers were essentially classical in training
and approach) and, if you do not know Yiddish, at least be able to get
coached by someone who does.

You should live in the Tel Aviv municipal area, or at least be willing to
get there for rehearsals.  You must be reliable - no cancelling at the last

We have no plans to actually perform the songs, just to do them for our own
enjoyment, though several people have asked me about performances.

If interested, give me a call.

Joel Epstein
Moshav Magshimim, Israel
tel: 972-3-9333316
fax: 972-9338751
yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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