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RE: Albert clarinets?

Quick answer. The Albert system is an old fashioned system having some
popularity because Andy Statman plays the Albert System clarinets that
Dave Tarras gave him. Most clarinetists I know or have seen play the
modern Boehm system.

Most clarinets used in Klezmer music are Bb or C. The A clarinet is used
mostly in orchestral music because it is easy for violins and other
string instruments to play in the sharp keys like E and A which put Bb
clarinets in F# and B, which are awkward to play in. With an A clarinet
they are playing in G and C. Much easier.

The C clarinet is a smaller clarinet than the Bb and (in my opinion) has
a whinier tone. However a lot of Klezmer playing is done in the high
register of the clarinet and the C clarinet is more suited to this.

Instead of buying a Bb and A Albert system clarinet, I would personally
buy a Bb and C Boehm system.

Differing opinions welcome.

Dick Rosenberg

>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Seth Austen [SMTP:seth (at) sethausten(dot)com]
>Sent:  Monday, September 25, 2000 12:39 PM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:       Re: Albert clarinets?
>A quick question for the list. Last night an acquaintence mentioned that he
>has a pair of Albert system clarinets for sale, an A and a Bb. My music
>partner has played clarinet in the past, and so we're going to check them
>out this week, before he puts them on eBay. I know that the Albert system
>clarinet is often preferred for klezmer, the question; are these keys of any
>use to us for playing klezmer, or are there other keys we should be
>considering instead? Many thanks?
>Seth Austen
>please visit me on the web at
>email; seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
>Download a song (mp3) at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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