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Re: Albert clarinets?

on 9/25/00 1:10 PM, AGreenberg (at) aol(dot)com at AGreenberg (at) aol(dot)com 

 A notable exception is the clarinist
> with Budowitz who plays a modern system C instrument. The C clarinets have a
> plaitive higher sound and do not have the best intonation, which truth be
> known, can be a good thing!

Thanks everyone for your comments. Lots of stuff to chew on. We do tend to
like the "older" sound, it's really interesting that Merlin is playing a
Boehm. We heard him live with Josh Horowitz at KlezKanada, he/they is/are
quite wonderful. 

Seth Austen
please visit me on the web at
email; seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

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