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Klezperanto album

Robert asked for the announcement posted last week about Klezperanto's new release. I actually didn't post an announcement to the list; Ari forwarded Ilene's, but if people want to order it, here is the ad and the ordering info. A dank.
- Dena

If you like world music and klezmer, don't miss Klezperanto's debut album - wild world music takes of traditional klezmer and other repertoire in styles which range from samba and Colombian cumbia to ska and jitterbug.

There is a driving energy surging in their fast cuts. For instance, Ilene Stahl takes famed klezmer clarinetist Naftule Brandwein's Tartar Tanz to its ultimate tempo?after two minutes it melts into a short heavy metal guitar solo by Brandon Seabrook and then returns to the Terkisher style by way of two different time signatures - really interesting and fun. Their popular "Kosher Cabana" takes the Alter Sher to south of the border on a fast plane. The classic Yiddish neo-folksongs Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen and Oyfn Pripetshik are reinterpreted as salsa/Latin pieces?.And in a reverse twist, Dizzy Gillespie's "A Night in Tunisia" is presented as a klezmer freylekhs!

There are 5 pieces of non-Jewish origin. "I drink to Forget" one of two mellow Greek drinking songs, is distinguished by Evan Harlan's cabaret style accordion? "Lupita" is a straight cover of a cumbia song which we bet you will not be able to listen to without dancing. And Na Spkah Man'chzurli, the only straight klezmer-style piece, is a quiet, sad Russian waltz featuring Seabrook, this time on mandolin.

The album, masterfully done, pays homage to the fact that most of klezmer music is made for dancing! (in case this isn't clear from the above!)

Every Klezperanto member is incredibly strong and talented. Band leader Stahl is the charismatic clarinetist of the Klezmer Conservatory Band (KCB). She's joined by Grant Smith (also KCB), whose playful, varied percussion holds everything together tightly. Mark Hamilton's trombone is jazzy and sassy (also KCB). Seabrook is a young master of guitar, banjo, and mandolin. Bassist Mike Bullock's playing is sweet and solid. Last but not least is accordionist/musical director Harlan's arrangements which are clever, humorous, and catchy. (Other members and the group as a whole arranged many of the pieces, to good effect!)

For those of you in the Boston area, Klezperanto will appear in Somerville on Thursday, November 30th. Bring your dancing shoes!

The band's label, Naxos, is an international company which produces
first quality full-length CDs at budget prices. "Klezperanto!" is available at the incredible price of $6.99 (cheap!), plus shipping and handling.

Price: $6.99
s/h: $2.50
tax: .35 (MA residents only)

* total for MA residents: $9.84
* total for non-MA U.S. residents: $9.49
* for sending via Priority Mail add $2.00
* overseas residents please contact "a bisl yiddishkayt" at
klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com for postage costs.

Three ways to order:

1. Use the internet with your Visa or Mastercard credit card at

2. Call or fax your credit card info. (including expiration date)
toll free: 1-877-YIDDISH (Boston area: 781-643-1957)

3. Drop a check or money order (drawn on a U.S. bank) in the mail to:

a bisl yiddishkayt
P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA 02140

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