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Re: Lehman Engel & Levi Yitzchak's Kaddish


My mention of Lehman Engel came from the contents listing to the CD
Paul Robeson: Songs of Free Men (Sony Classical MHK 63223).

LEHMAN ENGEL (1910-82) is written in caps in large font in red above
"Chassidic Chant"  2'40  (Recorded on January 27, 1942.).

I don't know where they got this information and don't know which of
the named persons should get credit/blame for putting it in print.

I just looked at my Monitor LP Paul Robeson: Favorite Songs.  There I
find "Hassidic Chant: Kaddish"  2:40  (Arranged by J. Engel).
I have not compared the 2 recordings, but the timing would lead me to
believe that they may be identical.  And J. Engel is much more likely
to me than L. Engel.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Cohen <rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:23 PM
Subject: Lehman Engel & Levi Yitzchak's Kaddish

>Inspired by a mention on the list of an autobiography (THIS BRIGHT
DAY) of
>Lehman Engel, whom I'd never previously heard of (of course, now I'm
>noticing his name as a conductor on numerous recordings),  I took the
>out of the library.  I didn't read it--it seems, frankly, like a
>breezy, chatty memoir of not that much substance, though I don't mean
>anything bad--but I did glance through it, and in particular I
checked the
>index quite thoroughly.  Observe what I found:
>There are *no* entries for Jews/Judaism/Jewish music; none for Levi
>of Berdichev under any possible spelling; none for his (or any)
>none for Paul Robeson--for whom, someone averred here, L.E.
translated (and
>arranged?) Levi Yitchak's Kaddish.
>Now, obviously, the lack of a mention of the L. Y. Kaddish, if indeed
>isn't mentioned (and the index seemed otherwise thorough), doesn't
>prove anything--though it would seem odd, certainly given Robeson's
>for Engel not to have mentioned such a collaboration. But I remain
>skeptical that Lehman Engel had anything to do w/ Levi Yitchak's
Kaddish, or
>its English-language adaptation as sung by Robseon, at all--and I
>welcome any evidence anyone has to that effect or otherwise.
>--Robert Cohen
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