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Italian National Radio Net Broadcasts

Dear list members,

some of you may already know or remember that Yuval Italia -- the 
Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music, which I direct -- has 
been producing several radio shows in Italy since 1997.

Yuval's radio broadcasts went far enough to reach 
RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana, the national radio, already in 1998, 
and then again for the first half of 1999. Broadcasts were made 
weekly, with interviews and several kinds of Jewish music. Among our 
guests, interviewed over the phone each Sunday were Brave Old World's 
Michael Alpert and Alan Bern, Kapelye's Henry Sapoznik, the Israeli 
ladino singer Esti Kenan Ofri, Israeli musicologists Israel Adler and 
Edwin Seroussi...

Well, all this led me to become the host of a prime time evening 
radio show on the Third Channel (Radiotre)   ---   ---   dealing with many different 
topics, and not only with Jewish music (which was the reason I got 
there in the first place).

RAI Radiotre is the main cultural radio station in the country, and 
its broadcast reach the entire country: lots of classical music, some 
jazz, and now some traditional music. Most of the music is broadcast 
live from all  major Italian and European concert halls and opera 

Thanks to this more general activity, I managed to insert Jewish 
musical traditions in a wider context -- rather than do shows "only" 
on Jewish music (which btw I continue to produce and host, especially 
on the private network of Radiopopolare Milano,, as well as on RAI ).

At the same time, this year I was able to have Radiotre sign an 
agreement with the Ancona Klezmer Musica Festival (  ---   mailto:klezmer (at) tin(dot)it 
), which this year held its fifth edition, and broadcast some 
excerpts from its concerts, which were recorded last July, when the 
Festival took place in Ancona, on Italian East Coast. As you will 
notice, the Festival this year was not entirely "klezmer" (past years 
performances included Di Naye Kapelye, Klezmatics, Chava Alberstein, 
Brave Old World, and the Klezmer Conservatory Band).

The big news for all net users is that RAI Radiotre is broadcast live 
(with RealAudio) on the Internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You have to go to Radiotre's homepage,, and click on the button ASCOLTA (= 
Listen), to get to the RealAudio link.

So, here's the list of the broadcasts of the concerts for the coming 
weeks. Unfortunately, the concerts will not be broadcast in their 
interity, and you'll have to cope with some of my own bla-bla in 
Italian about them. Yet, a fair share of the actual live performances 
will be kept.

All broadcasts are scheduled on Monday nights, and 10:25 - 10:30 pm 
(which equals to 4:25 - 4:30 pm East Coast time in the US), lasting 
for about one hour each time.

Monday, August 28
DUO KOL-TOF (Voice and Percussion), Jerusalem
Esti KENAN OFRI, voice; Oren FREED, percussion
A unique chance to hear Esti Kenan Ofri's interpretation of Sefardic 
songs in Ladino, Hebrew and Arabic.
I often praised Esti's wonderful voice and repertoire, which hasn't 
been issued on CD yet.

Monday, September 11
The European debut of the new old European klezmer band.

Monday, September 25
A performance of the Moroccan-Israeli cantor/singer from Ashkelon.

I hope that many of you will take a chance to listen to the program 
-- and I am of course eager for feedback.

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YUVAL  ITALIA     Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
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