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Re: Kabalas

There is contact information for them on the KlezmerShack.


and search for "kabalas"


At 08:54 PM 8/8/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Does Gideon or anyone have contact information for Kabalas:  web site 
>*and/or* name + phone number?
>Thanks (to whomever) -- Robert Cohen
>>I would definitely agree with Seth's analysis of the strengths and 
>>of the Kabalas.  To me they are an interesting and quite enjoyable form of
>>fringe Jewish music.  One problem with their music is that the jokiness at
>>times subsumes everything else.  In fact there is a lot more going on.
>>Instrumentally they rely heavily on Jewish tunes and manage to bridge the
>>divide between Yiddishist and Zionist Jewish culture.  You get Odessa 
>>and Der Rebbe's Sud next to Erev Ba and Shir la Shalom.
>>As American Jewish music, the Kabalas mix Jewish sounds and song topics 
>>a range of American popular styles to create a unique hybrid.  For me it is
>>equally interesting what they are doing with this hybrid.  They play for
>>Jewish events, but they also take their music to totally non-Jewish venues
>>like a blues bar in Lincoln, Nebraska where Jewish and non-Jewish listeners
>>will hear Jewish sounds and stories (eg. The Golem) - possibly for the 
>>Clearly, the Kabalas are not core Jewish music.  But maybe this type ironic
>>Pop Culture/Jewish Music fusion can be understood in the tradition of the
>>intermingling of Jewish tradition with the host culture.  Both for the
>>development of "Jewish music" broadly, and for the individual 
>>of Jewish performers, this mixing has been essential.
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