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Re: Kabalas

Hi Robert:

The Kabalas:
kabalas (at) netexpress(dot)net
Scott Morschhauser


PS  What company (or luthier) made the guitar you want to sell?
Do you know the model number or series?
Who renovated it?


Robert Cohen wrote:

> Does Gideon or anyone have contact information for Kabalas:  web site
> *and/or* name + phone number?
> Thanks (to whomever) -- Robert Cohen
> >I would definitely agree with Seth's analysis of the strengths and
> >challenges
> >of the Kabalas.  To me they are an interesting and quite enjoyable form of
> >fringe Jewish music.  One problem with their music is that the jokiness at
> >times subsumes everything else.  In fact there is a lot more going on.
> >
> >Instrumentally they rely heavily on Jewish tunes and manage to bridge the
> >divide between Yiddishist and Zionist Jewish culture.  You get Odessa
> >Bulgar
> >and Der Rebbe's Sud next to Erev Ba and Shir la Shalom.
> >
> >As American Jewish music, the Kabalas mix Jewish sounds and song topics
> >with
> >a range of American popular styles to create a unique hybrid.  For me it is
> >equally interesting what they are doing with this hybrid.  They play for
> >Jewish events, but they also take their music to totally non-Jewish venues
> >like a blues bar in Lincoln, Nebraska where Jewish and non-Jewish listeners
> >will hear Jewish sounds and stories (eg. The Golem) - possibly for the
> >first
> >time.
> >
> >Clearly, the Kabalas are not core Jewish music.  But maybe this type ironic
> >Pop Culture/Jewish Music fusion can be understood in the tradition of the
> >intermingling of Jewish tradition with the host culture.  Both for the
> >development of "Jewish music" broadly, and for the individual
> >accomplishment
> >of Jewish performers, this mixing has been essential.
> >Gideon
> >
> >
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