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Re: Are kolomeykas Jewish?

"This is a classic film that many of us in the folk scene have loved for
decades. But it might be good to keep in mind that Paradzhanov's films are 
no stretch of the imagination folkloric documentaries. Beautiful films, but
with lots of fantasia......So the dance portrayal may or may not be 

The film was mentioned in Michael Alpert's written description of the 
kolomeyka--that's what made me seek it out.  The overall dance in the movie 
is similar to what Michael describes--a sort of resting step that goes side 
to side followed by a turning step done with partners; however, in the 
movie, they have the villagers stretched out in a line rather than in a 
circle.  I'm not sure if this was done for effect or if in some places it 
was danced this way.

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