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Re: Are kolomeykas Jewish?

Helen Winkler wrote:

> In case anyone would like to see what a village kolomeyka looks like, I just
> saw a video movie this week called Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Sergei
> Parajanov.  It shows an entire village in the Carpathian mountains doing the
> kolomeyke.  These are non-Jewish villagers; the movie is not at all Jewish.
> I learned a similar version at a Ukrainian kolomeyka workshop given at the
> University of Calgary this year.  Interestingly, the village kolomeyka is a
> very simple dance and has little in common with the spectacular stage
> versions put on by performing Ukrainian dance troupes.
> Helen

This is a classic film that many of us in the folk scene have loved for
decades. But it might be good to keep in mind that Paradzhanov's films are by
no stretch of the imagination folkloric documentaries. Beautiful films, but
with lots of fantasia......So the dance portrayal may or may not be accurate.

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