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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 1606

>From: Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
>Subject: Ruth Rubin bio
>  realize that not only don't I have a bio of Ruth Rubin online, I can't 
> find anything more than a couple of sentences.
>Could a better researcher than I point me to such a bio, or an obituary 
>that tells her life story?
>Many thanks,

As part of my research for my Zingen far Sholem, Yiddish Music of the 
Secular Jewish Movements program, I ran several web and data-base searches 
for Ruth Rubin.  No good biographies that I found.  Of the various obits 
which ran in June, I found the one in the NY Times to be the most 
informative.  Yep, there's the copyright/cost problem.  I'm doing an 
article on Ruth Rubin for the up-coming Yiddishkayt LA newsletter, which 
will probably be on our website.  However, it won't be out for another 
month or so.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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