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Re: apology is in order.

    I hope so Marvin.
    This is why I suggest if people are interested they should check out the 
website.  There is a very active letter writing campaign happening.  And if 
people are interested they can get involved via SAG.  There has been pretty 
much of a news black-out on the Strike.
    As for Bush...surprise, surprise.  Have you ever known even his old man 
to give a "damn" about the average working Joe. HEY, Just ask the guy they 
executed in Texas, recently.
    All My Best,
       Trudi the G

>From: "Marvin" <physchem (at) telocity(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: apology is in order.
>Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 15:48:37 -0400
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Trudi Goodman" <goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com>
>To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 2:44 PM
>Subject: Re: apology is in order.
> >   Hey Joe:
> >   Glad it's accepted!!! Whew...that's A RELIEF!!!
> >   Isn't Lorele just the best???
> >   I hope this week is better too.  Once the Strike is settled...that
> > help.  Everybody including me will be back to work!!!
> >   By the way, if people are interested in what's going on with the SAG 
> > AFTRA STRIKE(which effects radio performers, and announcers as well),
> > check...www,
> >   Zei Gezunt!!!
> >     Trudi the G
> >
>I guess it will be more in the news now that Bush' people were found ought
>making a TV ad with scab actors.

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