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Re: who knows about these recordings? Voltaire

Voltaire's CD "The Devils Bris" is a goth album of very dark story-songs 
about murder, pain and despair.  This cabaret rock is highly literate and 
humorous - in a morbid sort of way. He actually manages to use the words 
"endocrine lining" in a rock song.  It also includes an interesting version 
of Haveinu Shalom Aleichem - perfect music for the bar mitzvah goth.

Instrumentally the disc features acousitic guitar, violin, cello and drums, 
as well as Voltaire's rich vocals.  The musicians are excellent,  creating a 
wide range of  moods to accompany the stories.

Trivia - Voltaire is an animator who has worked for MTV.  

As far as the Jewish music nature of this recording, it could be compared to 
Randy California and his band Spirit's disc that includes Hine Ma Tov - 
except that the album is also good.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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