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Re: who knows about these recordings? Voltaire

Now wait a minute, that's a great Spirit album! Or, are you saying
that "The Devils Bris" is a not-so-great-album?


At 09:25 PM 7/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Voltaire's CD "The Devils Bris" is a goth album of very dark story-songs 
>about murder, pain and despair.  This cabaret rock is highly literate and 
>humorous - in a morbid sort of way. He actually manages to use the words 
>"endocrine lining" in a rock song.  It also includes an interesting version 
>of Haveinu Shalom Aleichem - perfect music for the bar mitzvah goth.
>Instrumentally the disc features acousitic guitar, violin, cello and drums, 
>as well as Voltaire's rich vocals.  The musicians are excellent,  creating a 
>wide range of  moods to accompany the stories.
>Trivia - Voltaire is an animator who has worked for MTV.  
>As far as the Jewish music nature of this recording, it could be compared to 
>Randy California and his band Spirit's disc that includes Hine Ma Tov - 
>except that the album is also good.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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