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Re: zither/tsimbl, radio show

In a message dated 6/11/00 11:14:01 PM, itzik (at) mail(dot)utexas(dot)edu 

<<  Among the musicians was a tsimbler, who was a 
young barefoot boy. In the description of the painting it erroneously 
called it a zither. -Itzik >>

I think 'zither' is the most common guess I have heard, when people are 
wondering what a tsimbl is. I also hear 'xylophone' a lot. One time I 
overheard an old couple arguing about it, DURING a concert. She was pretty 
sure it was a zither. He was dead certain it was a xylophone, and he couldn't 
believe she was so ignorant she didn't know a xylophone when she heard and 
saw one.

Congratulations, Itzik, on your new radio show (it is new)? How do we listen 

Josh Huppert

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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