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Re: Do we need printed klezmer music?

A comment from a non-musician:  While musical and dance traditions may be 
well known to specialists in the field, there are plenty of us out there, 
who want to know more.  Unfortunately, the information seems to be very hard 
to find.  In fact, without a lot of digging, sometimes we don't even know 
the information exists in the first place.  It was only through a very brief 
posting on this list and my friend Altavista, that I was able to find out 
about a very old out of print book about the dances.  Through persistance, I 
was able to find a single copy, again via the internet and that all led to 
other things.  However, not everyone can/wants to jump through so many hoops 
to find out about these things.  Making the information available to 
everyone I think is very important.  How do we know there isn't a budding 
klezmer in Taber Alberta (Canada) who would love to have access to this 

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