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Bracha Zefira


Is anyone familiar with the Ladino recordings of Bracha Zefirah? Born of 
Yemeni parents, raised by several "eastern" families; steeped in their 
music, while also learning traditional Sephardic songs from Yitzhak Navon. 
Accompanied first on piano by Nahum Nardi, in 1930s, her repertory was 
later re-set by Paul Ben-Haim, Marc Lavry and Oedoen Partos, among others, 
in a Western Art song idiom.

I have a cassette of Israeli CBS recordings, but it's obviously from much 
earlier masters and I'd love to know when the original recordings were made 
and distributed.



Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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