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Los Bilbilicos

Dear Joe Offer:

As I was, I believe, the person who originally informed others on our Jewish 
Music list that Richard Farina had borrowed this Sephardic melody for his 
Swallow Song, I've been following the discussion on _your_ list with 
interest.  I thought you might like to share with your list that I wrote 
Mimi Farina asking if she had any idea how her husband had learned the 
Sephardic melody; she didn't know, but felt certain "he'd picked it up when 
he was in Spain.  He traveled through Spain during the summer of 
1963--seeking the ghost of Hemingway, I'm sure."

Regarding another of Richard's "borrowings" (or, as Woody Guthrie and others 
would have called them, thefts), in this case for "The Quiet Joys of 
Brotherhood" (from an Irish song), Mimi wrote, charmingly, I guess:  "Dick 
Farina had a way of plagiarizing that was not only bold, but also 
endearingly forgivable."

I *did* find that cute, though I imagine you'd have to ask the plagiarees to 
determine if it was forgivable ...

Just what *is* the nature of your list, anyway?

W/ all best wishes--Robert Cohen
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