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Re: trends in Israeli folk dance

In a message dated 04/19/2000 2:38:42 AM Central Daylight Time, 
yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il writes:

<< I always found the phenomenon of isolated dancing to be bizarre and 
 distasteful.  People - both Israeli folk and American rock dancers - dance
 like dervishes, totally alone though surrounded by people.  It transforms
 dancing from a social to an introverted activity. >>

It depends if the hand that holds yours is sweaty, in which case isolated is 
anything but distasteful! ;-)  Actually, the idea of individual dancing feels 
like it parallels the vein of individualism and "express yourself" trend that 
has overtaken America since the 60's.  Likewise, in Israel I think that 
Socialism probably had some influence on the idea of communal dancing (e.g., 
see the movie "Sallah" for spoofs on kibbutz ideology), and that has faded as 
well.  But hark, my beet is roasted....
Lori (maybe to distinguish myself from the other Lori I should say Lori of 
Maxwell St.?)  Happy haroset, y'all....

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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