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Re: Washington teacher needed

There are always Jeff Warschauer's workshops in New York City, but
the best introduction/networking opportunity would be attending
KlezKamp (December), KlezKanada (August) or a similar 1-week 
intensive workshop. Both are listed on the klezmershack calendar,
as is Jeff's workshop:


At 02:28 PM 4/19/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I am a clarinet player living in Washington DC.  I am interested in
>learning to play in the klezmer style.  Does anyone know of a school or
>person who teaches this subject; i.e., klezmer improvisation, klezmer
>theory or kelzmer techniques.  It does not have to be in Washington DC,
>but I would prefer it.
>Please reply to me personally: 
>alexa (at) ccsalpha3(dot)nrl(dot)navy(dot)mil (Ed Alexander)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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