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Klezmer's not dead, it's gone mainstream!

A few weeks back some here were offering evidence for the death of klezmer.

I'd like to propose that in fact it is far from its deathbed, and that
evidence of its health can be found in its penetration into pop

Take, for example, this reference from a review of a cookbook in the Food
section of the New York Times on April 5, 2000.

The writer, Florence Fabricant, begins her review thusly:

"The title of Jayne Cohen's new cookbook, 'The Gefilte Variations,' sounds
as if it might be a composition for the Klezmatics....."

The facts speak for themselves. I rest my case.

Seth Rogovoy
Host, "Rockin' the Shtetl," WCFM, Williamstown, Mass., Mondays 9-10pm US
Eastern time

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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