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NEFFA Festival Reminder

Just a reminder that the NEFFA Festival will be held in Natick, MA 
next weekend, April 14 through 16th.  There are a good number of 
Jewish music and dance events on the schedule for Sunday, including 
the Wholesale Klezmer Band's workshop on dancing the Sher.  For 
information on how to get to NEFFA and a complete schedule of events, 
check out:

NEFFA (The New England Folk Festival Association) Festival - Sunday 
April 16, 2000

Preliminary Schedule -- Subject to Change!

?       Yiddish Singalong  -- Garlic & Onions -- Small Hall (0:55)
?       Easy Israeli Dances  -- Valarie & Neil Rosen, Klezmaniacs -- 
Main Hall (0:55)
?       Shtetl/Shul/Kibbutz  -- Kol Dodi -- North Star Room (0:40)
?       Jews: Spain-Odessa  -- A Little Klez -- Music Room (0:40)
?       Sher/Yiddish Square Dance  -- Wholesale Klezmer Band -- 
Auditorium (0:40)
?       Klezmer Concert  -- Ukraine American Klezmer Orchestra -- 
Music Room (0:45)

Sher/Yidish square dances

The Sher was invented to provide a "kosher" social
dance in which men and women would be able to do all the figures without
holding hands with a member of the opposite sex except the one they were
married to by having men and women in the 2nd and 4th couples change
places.  This workshop teaches elements and style of traditional Yiddish
dancing which are used in the sher, and gives everyone a chance to dance
the Yiddish version of square dancing.

Joe Kurland: dance leader, lead vocals, fiddle
Peggy Davis: dance leader, flute
Sherry Mayrent: clarinet
Owen Davidson: accordion
Richie Davis: drums
Michael Suter: bass viol
Brian Bender: trombone
David Tasgal: fiddle

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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