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"Essential Judaism" on the Radio

Dear friends --

Here's an item that will amuse you no end. On Sunday morning, April 16
at 6 a.m., I can be heard extolling the virtues of my new book,
"Essential Judaism," on a radio program called the Interfaith
Connection, on -- of all places -- WKTU-FM (103.5), the home of dance
music. No, I will not be offering a discourse on the influence of disco
on klezmer (or vice versa); but I will be talking about Passover.

So if you are in the New York metro area set your alarm clocks for 5:45
or so and -- no, I'm not doing that either and, yes, it IS on tape.
Instead, if you have an alarm-clock/radio with the ability to tape, I
recommend you use it.(Of course, you could stay up all night Saturday.)

George Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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