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Re: Achron

I think it must be Joseph Achron - Lithuanian born violin prodigy and 
composer.  Born 1886 - emigrated to NY in his forties, died young in LA.... 
wrote much orchestral/chamber/choral music, with Hebraic influences.  His 
brother, Isidor, was a pianist and also a composer, but, as a violinist, it 
is Joseph that I have come across, and I believe that he is the more well 
known of the brothers.
Hope this helps!

>From: "Jerzy Matysiakiewicz" <jerzym (at) dom(dot)zabrze(dot)pl>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Achron
>Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:04:51 +0200
>I', just listening CD The Art of Theremin recorded by
>Clara Rockmore (theremin) and Nadia Reisenberg (piano)
>/Delos DE 1014/.
>Strange sound indeed - kitschy but haunting. No wonder
>that dr Hannibal Lecter used to play theremin.
>But - one piece on the CD is "Hebrew Melody" by Achron.
>Who is (was?) Achron??
>Jerzy Matysiakiewicz M.D., Ph.D
>jerzym (at) dom(dot)zabrze(dot)pl

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