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Re: Recording the complete Gebirtig)

Manfred Lemm has perhaps recorded nearly all of Gebirtig's music, including
some songs for which no music by Gebirtig is known to exist.  Both he and
Daniel Kempin have composed music for songs written during the Holocaust

The Klezical Tradition, in concert at TONIC this Sunday (April 9) at 1:30
and 3 p. m., includes songs by Gebirtig in all of its concerts.  We also
have an entire Gebirtig concert which we've performed at the World
Fellowship Center and at Mount Holyoke College.  The concert interweaves the
music of Gebirtig, his biography, and  reflections on a journey to Poland in


(un-)Critical Comments

. . .Out of the 18 years of programming musical events each week in the
summer, there have been only 3 or 4 that were truly memorable.  Your evening
of Gebirtig songs has to be counted right at the top.  It was as if you were
singing to each one of us in the audience personally, and taking us by the
hand to be in Gebirtig?s presence.  Awesome!
  Kathryn Schmauch, Associate Director,
  World Fellowship Center, Conway, NH

Your concert performance of the work of Mordkhe Gebirtig was incredible (!)
on many levels.  . . . Within our generation, there are perhaps a handful of
people that can offer the multilayered, historical and deeply personal
context that you wove together.  On this level, what you have created in
your tribute to this heroic and beloved Yiddish writer and lyricist is of
great merit as a living history lesson, . . .

Joel Saxe, Art Department, Greenfield Community College
   Oral Historian, Tamiment Labor Archives, New York University
   Filmmaker, Writer on Yiddish culture and Jewish radicalism .

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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