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Re: help for a friend

Dear Basya,

In a message dated 4/2/00 1:43:09 PM, basya (at) ultinet(dot)net writes:

>A friend of mine called me from Germany looking for a yiddish song called
>"sprent, breederle sprent."  If anyone knows it and how to get it please
>write me back.

As a number of people have noted, you're looking for a song variously 
entitled "Es Brent," "S'Brent," (both meaning "it burns") and even "Dos Stetl 
Brent" ("the little town burns") by the Polish poet and composer Mordechai 
Gebirtig (1887-1942). Any Yiddish collection that includes songs from the 
Holocaust will have it. My favorite (with a wonderful introduction) is in 
_Yes, We Sang: Songs of the Ghettos and the Concentration Camps_ by Shoshana 
Kalisch (Harper and Row, 1985). I would imagine that Simon at Hatikvah music 
will have it, or Tara publications. Good luck.

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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