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Re: "Much ado about gornisht"--but not about music

Pete Seeger's favorite ethnic (or, today, "multicultural") story:  An 
out-of-town couple are wandering around NYC and feel like pizza.  (Now don't 
razz me grammatically!)  So they stop someone and ask, Where can we find 
some *really* good pizza?  He says:  Walk two blocks til you reach that 
traffic light; walk one block Right, then a left at the dry cleaner's and 
walk two more blocks.  You'll hit a Chinese restaurant w/ truly excellent 

They find this a bit strange, but ... all right.  They follow the 
instructions, find the Chinese restaurant, and--sure enough--first-rate 

They ask the owner, "How come a Chinese restaurant serves such great pizza?"

"Well, you see, we have a large Jewish clientele."

>From: "Marvin" <physchem (at) earthlink(dot)net>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: "Much ado about gornisht"
>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 17:20:50 -0500

>Man walks into Katz's deli, and sees an Oriental clerk behind the counter,
>speaking Yiddish.
>Man to Owner:  "Where'd you find a Chinaman who speaks Yiddish?"
>Owner, in a whisper: "Shhh!  He thinks he's learning English."

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