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Re: Lenny Bruce on Jewishness

So far as I know, it goes (from L.B.):  If you live in New York, you're 
Jewish, even if you're not.  If you don't live in New York, you're not 
Jewish, even if you are.

As it happens, one of my favorite *musical* example is Mary Travers (of 
Peter, Paul & Mary), who grew up in New York and has always seemed sort of 
an honorary Jew--did things for Hadassah (I think) and Soviet Jewry, at one 
point went out w/ a Reform rabbi (who, I believe, taught her Steve Sher's 
{"Dodi Li"), and, reportedly, used to urge Peter Yarrow, who *is* Jewish 
(and, OK, *also* grew up in NY), to be more so!

Just idle thoughts, on top of George's -- rlc

>From: George Robinson <GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: "Much ado about gornisht"
>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 16:31:01 -0500
>Why "if you're white?" In New York, everyone is Jewish sooner or later.
>If only in the old Lenny Bruce routine sense: "Charlie Parker is Jewish.
>Lawrence Welk is goyish."
>George Robinson (who lives in New York and is white and definitely
>Marvin wrote:
> >

> > Which puts me in mind of a news story last week in the New York Times 
> > a nun who lives in Greenwich Village and manages a business there.  The
> > story mentioned her collection of ceramic nun figurines, and quoted her 
> > calling them "nun tchatchkes".  There is a saying that if you live in 
> > York and you're white - you're Jewish.
> >
>Then you should be a member of the NATIONAL
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