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Re: Digest Format

I wasn't aware of any change. I'll query Shamash. Please send such
questions directly to me.


At 09:12 AM 3/31/00 -0500, you wrote:
>In the past week or two, the format of the Digest has changed.  It used to be 
>that you could read the shorter digests as regular e-mails, and the longer 
>ones were in .MIM format, which could easily be read on word processing 
>software.  Now, even the shortest digests are in .MIM format, and the longer 
>ones are now .ZIP files.  When you unzip the file, each separate message is 
>in its own .TXT file, which have to be opened one at a time, with no clue as 
>to their contents.  To open each file is so time consuming that it is not 
>worth it.  Can Shamash change back to using only .MIM formats for Digests?
>Jeffrey Schanzer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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