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Shameless semi-commercial, semi-nonprofit plug

Khaverim --

After those two really lovely (all joking aside) endorsements from Seth
and Simon, I just wanted to tell you that you can buy my book Essential
Judaism and make a contribution to a good cause -- my synagogue --
rather than a commercial effort -- me  and Pocket Books. We still have
about thirty copies that were donated for fundraising purposes by the
publisher. If you would like to get one of these, signed by the author,
please send a check for $36 (which includes the cost of mailing) to Beth
Am, The People's Temple and mail it to me:

George Robinson
116 Pinehurst Avenue, K-12
New York, NY 10033-1755

Many thanks again to Seth and Simon and to all of you for putting up
with this near-spamming.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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