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Re: Beyond Silence/Giora

; but Giora is something of a guru here,
he effortlessly bridges this gap, and says exactly the right things to
Lara). He continues: "You want to know the truth of music?" Lara: "Yes, I
want to learn." Giora: "Learn? You don't need it, you have it inside -
Listen to the song inside." (At this I hear Joshua Horowitz's guts start to
gurgle; will he once again feel compelled to shout into the night that "we
are all klezmers"?)

Not at all. In fact, as I lay down to sleep in the soft down cushions of my
bed last night, ready to pass into the next realm, to enter the sphere of
the intitiates and to be in the vortex of kokhma, I asked Riboyno shel
oylem, "Oh, light of the world, beacon of hope, creator of the visible and
invisible, what must I do to hear the song inside that Giora talks about and
what does it take to release it from the closed vessel?" And lo, with the
light gust of a springtime breeze and the wisdom of a hundred generations, a
voice whispered gently into my ear, " the master you speak of, you
must allow the hot air to pass...

I've never slept so well. J.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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