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Re: Fwd: A new klezmermusical in Berlin

>>...looks pretty much like an amateur band  

>Six months ago, in Berlin, I met Jorg Hansl , the guy with the big beard. He
>played fidl and sang beatifully. I wouldn't prejudge of the quality without
>hearing the Klez-mishpoche.

Sorry Michel, but "amateur = bad quality" was YOUR association! 
I don't want to prejudge them. I contacted them in order to get some answers 
on questions asked on this list, and I finally got in touch with Joerg Hensel.
With "amateur band" I just wanted to make clear that they probably didn't set 
up this musical for commercial reasons. That makes a difference.

(By the way, I was told that the Klezmischpoche is indeed a non-Jewish band.)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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