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Re: Need Yiddish Vocabulary for Music

try chaleel for recorder. the ch is like in chupa.

Hope Ehn Dennis Ehn wrote:

> In the Yiddish class I'm taking at the local (Brookline, MA) Workmen's
> Circle, we're expected to write every week. As an early musician, I'm
> having a hard time finding Yiddish vocabulary to deal with what I do --
> despite owning three dictionaries, including Weinreich's. I hope that
> someone can tell me the Yiddish words for:
>  1. Recorder (the wind instrument)
>  2. Viol (viola da gamba)
>  3. Ensemble
>  4. Renaissance
>  5. Baroque
> There may have been Yiddish words for these things in the 16th century.
> It is known that many of the musicians imported to England by Henry VIII
> were Jewish. Most came from Italy, but it is speculated by some that the
> Lupo family originated in Germany, where their name was Wolf.
> Hope Ehn                 <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

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