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Need Yiddish Vocabulary for Music

In the Yiddish class I'm taking at the local (Brookline, MA) Workmen's
Circle, we're expected to write every week. As an early musician, I'm
having a hard time finding Yiddish vocabulary to deal with what I do --
despite owning three dictionaries, including Weinreich's. I hope that
someone can tell me the Yiddish words for:
 1. Recorder (the wind instrument)
 2. Viol (viola da gamba)
 3. Ensemble
 4. Renaissance
 5. Baroque

There may have been Yiddish words for these things in the 16th century. 
It is known that many of the musicians imported to England by Henry VIII
were Jewish. Most came from Italy, but it is speculated by some that the
Lupo family originated in Germany, where their name was Wolf. 

Hope Ehn                 <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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