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Re: Cambridge, MA: Recorder & other classes play Jewish music

This is very interesting.  I have also played the recorder, but I had not heard 
the instrument in anything but Baroque, Renaissance, and some Irish (although 
the tin whistle & flute are much more common) music.  I would love to hear some 
recordings of this.  Do you sell recordings of these classes?  Do you know of 
any recordings currently available?


Karen R. Harker
UT Southwestern Medical Library
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75390-9049

>>> ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com 3/19/00 3:20:32 PM >>>
The Cambridge, Massachusetts, Center for Adult Education sponsors early
music classes for adults. These classes include Recorder classes, a
Renaissance music ensemble (mixed instruments), and a Baroque music
ensemble (with continuo). I teach all of these classes.

*All* the classes have performed Jewish music:  this year, every recorder
class of Intermediate level and above has played some Klezmer music in
every term. The Renaissance Ensemble often plays Sephardic music, and both
the Renaissance Ensemble and the Baroque Ensemble have performed music by
Jewish composers such as Salamone Rossi. 

RECORDER classes are offered at these levels: Beginner, Advanced Beginner,
Intermediate, and Recorder Ensemble. Beginner, Advanced Beginner, and
Intermediate classes are offered both on Mondays and on Tuesday evenings,
at 42 Brattle Street in Harvard Square. Recorder Ensemble is offered only
on Mondays afternoons; an evening alternative is the Renaissance Ensemble.
There will be 8 meetings of all recorder classes; the cost will be $108
(for one-hour groups), except for the option of including music-reading
instruction in the Monday beginning class; in that case, the cost would be
$122 for a longer class (1.5 hours). 

The RENAISSANCE ENSEMBLE is for players of recorder, viol, lute, guitar,
Renaissance winds and brass, and other appropriate instruments. It meets
on Thursday evenings at the Cambridge Center Exercise Studio, 357 Huron
Avenue, Cambridge; the last meeting includes an informal concert of the
music rehearsed during the term. For the Spring term, there will be 10
1.5-hour meetings, at a charge of $129. This group can, if desired, skip
the scheduled April 20 rehearsal for Passover; this would put the final
concert on Thursday, June 8. 

The BAROQUE ENSEMBLE is for advanced players of violin, viola, cello,
gamba, and (with a limit of 2 each) recorder, flute, oboe, bassoon, and
harpsichord, all with permission of the instructor. This class will also
meet at the Cambridge Center Exercise Studio, 357 Huron Avenue, Cambridge.
For the Spring term, there will be ten two-hour Wednesday-evening
meetings, ending with an informal concert. Tuition will be $139. This
group can, if students wish, skip the scheduled April 19 rehearsal for
Passover; this would put the final concert on Wednesday, June 7. 

There are still open slots in the Baroque Ensemble, including KEYBOARD
slots. *Approval of the instructor is required* to register for this
group; interested people should *phone the Cambridge Center* at (617)
547-6789 for the instructor's telephone number or reply by E-mail to
<ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>. 

Classes will begin the week of March 27, 2000, which is only a week away. 
Therefore it would be a good idea to act *right away* to be sure of
getting registered before Cambridge Center deadlines.

Students can register in person (at 42 Brattle Street), by mail (to
Cambridge Center for Adult Education, PO Box 9113, Cambridge, MA
02238-9113), or with a credit card by phone (617-547-6789), fax
(617-497-7532) or E-mail <registration (at) ccae(dot)org>. The Cambridge Center 
on the Web at <>; it is possible to register online at
the web site. 

The Cambridge Center office is open on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., on 
Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9 
a.m. to 2 p.m.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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