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Re: Cambridge, MA: Recorder & other classes play Jewish music

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Karen Harker wrote:

> This is very interesting.  I have also played the recorder, but I had
> not heard the instrument in anything but Baroque, Renaissance, and some
> Irish (although the tin whistle & flute are much more common) music.  I
> would love to hear some recordings of this.  Do you sell recordings of
> these classes?  Do you know of any recordings currently available? 

I do not sell recordings of my students, who are amateurs and learners
rather than professional performers. That would be highly unfair to them,
and a violation of their privacy. I don't know of any professional
recordings of Klezmer music played on recorders. 

For those who want to try playing Klezmer music on recorders for
themselves, I have published two books of Klezmer arrangements for four
recorders (SATB). These books are called "The Klezmer Recorder Band" and
"The Lower East Side Recorder Band." They are available from Von Huene
Workshop in Boston (, Boulder Early Music Shop in
Boulder, CO (, and Courtly Music Unlimited in Warrensburgh,
NY ( 

Hope Ehn               <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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