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Re: "Klezmer! Jewish Music From Old World to Our World" Book and CD

>The book is available online at and
>or, for an autographed copy, directly from the author at sapoznik (at) 

Well, I think I'll go for the autographed version (which also seems to be
the most easy way in absence of credit cards and the like..).. I could
transfer the money to your bank account (but you need to give me the
relevant data) or take the risk and put in an envelop. Let me know. I
already saw it and it looked good, Carla from Groningen was at Klezkamp
last year and bought one.

Hope you're OK and not going crazy distributing the book :-)



Gerben Zaagsma
Marwixstraat 10a
9726 CD  Groningen
The Netherlands
++ 31-(0)50-3600188
++ 31-(0)20-8701065 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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