Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: "a woman's voice"

Well put, Jacob!  May we always have the luxury of turning in on ourselves to 
slam various segments of our people over various issues.  Still, I'd like to 
see my e-mailbox filling with musical questions.
Lori (Chicago)

<< I have seen this same subject discussed a number of times,  and it seems
 to me to be adverse to the purpose of this mail-list. The modern  Jewish
 populace has always had a diverse base of religious and secular behaviors
 and interests;  due to the diaspora and varying interpretations of
 religious belief and doctrine. I believe in personal choice and opinion,
 but I see these repeated  tangents into the oblivious differences of the
 Jewish peoples,  as being counter  to the productive discussion of the
 various forms of Jewish Music and the people who compose and perform it.
 Jacob >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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