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RE: kol isha and Chabad

Could it be that Chabad is trying to  adjust a bit here, to the context of
a numeral small and rather secular Jewish community in Gothenburg ?!?
Recent surveys of the Jewish population in Sweden shows clearly that the
religious interest isn't very high in this country, which of course is a
motivating factor in itself for Chabad to proselytize around here.

>>Just try getting Chabad, anywhere,
>> to sponsor a concert involving Jewish women singing ... -- Robert
>Last year I went to a Chanukka celebration arranged by the local Chabad
>community here in Goteborg, and there was a mixed childrens choir singing,
>with - maybe more surprising - a female (grown-up) songleader. Suppose
>this doesn't apply to children? But how about the songleader?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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